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Check Your Mother Board Model Number ,Serial Number, Version, And Many More.

How to Check Your Motherboard Model Number on Your Windows PC

Whether you need to update drivers, want to check hardware compatibility, or you’re just curious, it’s way easier to check your motherboard model number with these simple tricks than it is to crack open your computer case to check the board itself. Read on as we show you how to check your motherboard model number from the comfort of your keyboard.

Why Do I Want To Do This?

There are a variety of situations where knowing your motherboard’s model number is important: upgrading your drivers, buying new hardware (you’ll need the proper expansion slots for card-based upgrades and the right memory DIMMS for memory upgrades, etc.), and checking the capabilities of your board if you’re considering upgrading the entire thing. 

First Way (SIMPLEST WAY):-

In this way there is only two step :-

Step 1:- Go to Run(By Pressing Win+R).

Step 2:- Type dxdiag in Run and hit enter.


Now you'll able to see the details about your mother board and computer system.It's a very easy way . I'm recommending this method .

Second Way:-

Checking Your Model Number via CMD.exe

If you’re comfortable using the command line , you can easily check a variety of motherboard and hardware stats using the handy Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) a command-line interface for Microsoft’s powerful WMI tool.

With the WMIC we can entry the query baseboard to check motherboard stats and then additional specific query modifiers like get Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serialnumber, poweredon to get more detailed information about the motherboard. Let’s check our motherboard’s manufacturer, model number, and serial number using WMIC.

Open up the command prompt in Windows via either the run dialog (WIN+R) or via the search in the start menu; enter cmd.exe into either, no need to run it as an administrator.  

Enter the following text at the command line.
wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber
This will return the following data.

The above information checks out for our system: the manufacturer is Ecs, the board is the H55H-M, and while the WMIC tool attempted to check the serial number.


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