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How to hack mozilla firefox brower with in seconds and increase the speed 3X.

Amazing Mozilla Firefox Tips and Tricks To Improving Your Browsing Experience

The use of Mozilla Browser is very common browser now a days. Today I  am share some very useful tricks. 
Here are some simple tricks which I gathered from different website . 
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Step 1:- Type “about:config” into the address bar(URL Bar) of Mozilla firebox and then press enter. And find some code.
Step 2:- Now Alter(changes) the entries as follows: 
Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true” then
Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true” 
set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 29 or 30. This means it will make 29 or 30 requests at once.

Step 3:- In the last step right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and then set its value to “0″.And then finally This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives so then the browser execute it.

2. Enable Pipelining feature easily

Pipelining is a feature which has been designed to improving  the page loading time .
To enable it, open about:config and set following step:

network.http.pipelining (Now it to true to enable pipelining)

network.http.proxy.pipelining (Now Set it to true to enable pipelining to proxy server )

network.http.pipelining.maxrequests (Now Set it to 1 to 8  to have maximum of  1 to 8 pipelining requests at once. So Now You can choose values between 1-8)

3. Specify browser cache folder location

When you open a website in Firefox,so then Firefox stores the required data in its cache folder in anywhere in the system.
So that it can load the same web page faster when you open it again in future any time. If you want, you can specify a  location to store the cache files so is easy. 

Open about:config and then add new String preference browser.cache.disk.parent_directory. So Now set its value to your desired location for example E:\Cache or D:\Cache or C:\Cache.
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4. Now Specify Firefox memory cache usage

By default, Firefox dynamically utilizes the memory cache base on the amount of  our system memory
To specify a fixed amount of memory cache so then open about:config and add new Integer preference this browser.cache.memory.capacity and set its value like this:
-1 : (Default) Set memory cache dynamical 0 : No memory cache’s Numbers : Memory size in KB, For example 512
We can also disable memory cache completely by setting the preference browser.cache.memory.enable to The false.

5. Now Learn Some Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts for Faster Browsing and Save the time.

 1.Use The Ctrl+Shift+H and Ctrl+Shift+B to History Library Respectively and Open Bookmark

2.You can Use Keyboard Space bar to Scroll Fast
To return to the previous reading space, hit Shift + Space bar. So This will take you to the previous reading space And ending in the top most of line of the page you returned from it .

3. Locate Words and Phrases(Search) More Easily on Our Webpage
Use Ctrl+F to open the Find box to the bottom of Our browser and then enter a word or phrase, which you can found  and Firefox will highlight the word or phrase easily  wherever it occurs on that web page in any where.

5. IF you Use Ctrl+Shift+Delete to Quickly Clear The Browsing History
This shortcut will be immediately pop out a New window for you to clear Our recent browsing history.

6.Use Ctrl+Tab to Skip from One Tab to WITH Another Tab and Ctrl+(1-9) to Move to Specific Tabs on Our Browser where we want to go.
. Use Ctrl+T to Create New Tabs and Ctrl+N to Start New Windows

7. Use Shift+Ctrl+T for “Undo Close Tab” and  then Ctrl W to Close an open Tab
Whenever you accidentally close the Tab, use Shift+Ctrl+T to reopen the previous tab. You can press Shift+Ctrl+T if we want to open a lot of tab mean several times to continue to reopen previous closed Tabsso then Similarly, we can quickly close any Tab with a Ctrl W. Also, we can use Ctrl+Shift+W or Alt+F4 to  the Close Firefox Windows.
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* Conclusion

According to me the Firefox is actually easier browser to use other browser. You don’t necessarily need to know all the shortcuts. You Basically only need to learning a couple of them so that you find highly useful and use them the regularly.
If you know of any other the highly useful Firefox tips or tricks .i haven’t mentioned, feel free to add to the list. We will welcome additions to these tricks  in my blog Comments section below.

try more tricks and please share this Article with you're Friends ..
thanks  !!!
If any doubt you can ask in the comment box. 


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