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How to Hack GTA San Andreas with it's cheats

                                                        GTA SAN ANDREAS CHEATS
GTA San Andreasd caption
         Weapons, Health, Armor & Money
LXGIWYL = Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools

PROFESSIONALSKIT = Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM = Health, Armor, $250k
BAGUVIX = Semi-Infinite Health
CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen
ANOSEONGLASS = Adrenaline Mode
FULLCLIP = Infinite Ammo, No Reload

Police, Stats & Gangs IMAGE
         TURNUPTHEHEAT = Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = Clear Wanted Level
BUFFMEUP = Max Muscle
KVGYZQK = Skinny
AEZAKMI = Never Wanted
BRINGITON = Six Star Wanted Level
WORSHIPME = Max Respect
HELLOLADIES = Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Max Stamina
PROFESSIONALKILLER = Hitman In All Weapon Stats
NATURALTALENT = Max All Vehicle Skill Stats

Spawning Objects IMAGE

AIWPRTON = Spawn Rhino
OLDSPEEDDEMON = Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Spawn Rancher
VROCKPOKEY = Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV = Spawn Racecar
TRUEGRIME = Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW = Spawn Caddy
JUMPJET = Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP = Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP = Have Parachute
ROCKETMAN = Have Jetpack
OHDUDE = Spawn Hunter
AMOMHRER = Spawn Tanker Truck
ITSALLBULL = Spawn Dozer
FLYINGTOSTUNT = Spawn Stunt Plane
MONSTERMASH = Spawn Monster

Vehicles IMAGE

CPKTNWT = Blow Up All Cars
STICKLIKEGLUE = Perfect Handling
ZEIIVG = All green lights
YLTEICZ = Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN = Pink traffic
IOWDLAC = Black traffic
FLYINGFISH = Boats fly
EVERYONEISPOOR = Traffic is Cheap Cars
EVERYONEISRICH = Traffic is Fast Cars
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
SPEEDFREAK = All Cars Have Nitro
BUBBLECARS = Cars Float Away When Hit
OUIQDMW = Free Aim While Driving
GHOSTTOWN = Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ = Traffic is Country Vehicles
BMTPWHR = Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit

Gameplay IMAGE

SPEEDITUP = Faster Gameplay
SLOWITDOWN = Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY = Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = Everyone is armed
BLUESUEDESHOES = Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML = Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ = Gangs Control the Streets
NINJATOWN = Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV = Slut Magnet
CJPHONEHOME = Huge Bunny Hop
KANGAROO = Mega Jump
CRAZYTOWN = Funhouse Theme
SJMAHPE = Recruit Anyone (9mm)
ROCKETMAYHEM = Recruit Anyone (Rockets)

Weather & Time IMAGE

TOODAMNHOT = Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO = Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS = Rainy Weather
CFVFGMJ = Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL = Faster Clock
NIGHTPROWLER = Always Midnight
OFVIAC = Orange Sky 21:00
CWJXUOC = Sandstorm


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